We provide professional Colon Hydrotherapy services utilizing the precise and caring skills of our therapists. We use only FDA cleared units and disposable devices to perform the service.
Chicago Beverly Location Only
Colon Hydrotherapy Six Sessions is recommended to provide extensive cleansing and offers a chance for a family to share. This 30-45 minute, painless process uses a disposable speculum to stimulate the colon.
Chicago Beverly Location Only
Colon Hydrotherapy One Session uses low pressure UV filtered water to flush out accumulated, impacted and hard waste from the Colon. This 30-45 minute, painless process uses a disposable speculum to stimulate the colon.
Chicago Beverly Location Only
Colon Hydrotherapy Three Sessions are generally recommended when more than one visit will help to achieve the desired resultsl.. These 30-45 minute, painless processes use a disposable speculum to stimulate the colon.
The Holistic Wellness Center is staffed by Certified Natural Health Managers, Certified Colon Therapists and Nutrition Counselors with over 20 years of experience in health care and preventive maintenance.
Colonic Hydrotherapy, Detoxification, Weight Control and Diet modification can assist our clients with easy-to-achieve Total Wellness goals.
We advocate wellness based on lifestyle change and self diagnosis.We do not diagnose, prescribe, treat, or propose cures for any illness or diseases.
Everyone is advised to seek medical advice before purchasing any of our products or engaging any of our services.
A Choice For Life Inc.
10650 S. Western Ave
Chicago, IL 60643 USA
Toll Free: (800) 447-9755
Phone: (773) 239-7740
Hours of Operation:
Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri & Sat
9:00 am to 6:00 pm CST
Closed Wednesday, Sunday & Holidays